7 September – 5 October 2019
as part of the Deptford X Fringe
26 October - 2 November
Late night opening 25 October 6-9pm
Open Wed-Fri 10-3 pm, Sat 10-6pm
BEARSPACE is pleased to present a range of work by recent Arts University Bournemouth graduate Elise Wootten. These playfully crafted works explore the notion of how we view photography, reconstructing this to include different material elements which interplay. This creates the effect of space, perspective and angles, interpreting this through collage and sculpture.
There are three types of work on show. A sculptural wall series titled ‘All Recognisable Entities’ which consists of a series of beautifully crafted beech frames, which are interjected with blocks of colour and surfaces breaking up the wooden line. Viewed either individually or as a series they play with our sense of space and 3 dimensional surfaces, both contemporary and well-crafted these speak like the lens of a camera tricking the eye to experience these as 2d or 3d works.
‘Somewhat confusing’relates to a series of sculptures where Elise has created textural collages, scanning these to make them a flat image and then applying them onto aluminium which is angled to look like folded card. These sit at angles, disrupting the surface they are on as if floating. These sculptures again redefine the space they are in by playing with the nature of photography, sculpture and the flat surface.
Thirdly a series of photographs ‘Balancing Acts’reflects the nature of photography, the visual and physical flatness of the print and the perspective determined by the lens, embracing these characteristics as a way to create illusion. The viewer is invited to uncover the subject’s visual potential and experience mystery within its space.
Elise Wootten recently graduated from Arts University Bournemouth with a BA in photography. She has recently shown at The Old Truman Brewery as part of Free Range, Seventeen Gallery and Bournemouth Emerging Arts Fringe.
BEARSPACE Director Julia Alvarez is pleased to have found the artwork of Elise Wootten and is enthusiastic to champion new talent with strong technical ability, craft, imagination and artists that help us to see the world a little differently, going beyond the surface!
Image credit: Elise Wootten, ‘Balancing Acts,’ 40.5x51 cm, Inkjet print on Hahnemuhle Photo Rag Ultra Smooth paper, 2019. Image courtesy of the artist.